Hawaiʻi Youth Deserve Access to Healthy Local Food. Support HB443 and HB767!

Farm to school programs allows schools to incorporate nutritious, locally grown foods into student meals and learning materials. Passing the following bills can help elevate Hawaiʻi’s Farm to School Hui

Benefits of Farm to School Programs

  • Provides Hawaiʻi’s youth with access to nutritious, healthy food from their community

  • Helps students understand where their food comes from and how their food choices can impact their health, the environment, and their community. This can lead to students developing community pride 

  • Supports local farmers financially and keep money within the community 

  • Saves Hawaiʻi money by decreasing costs for school meal programs

  • Reduces carbon emissions and packaging waste from shipping 

HB443: School Food Program

Requires the Department of Education to conduct a comprehensive cost analysis of the department's food services and student meals programs to, in part, increase the use of locally grown agricultural products. 

TESTIMONY DEADLINE: Thursday, March 18th at 3 PM

HB767: Farm to School Program

Moves the Hawaiʻi Farm to School program from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Education. Establishes a programmatic goal for the Department of Education that at least 30% of food served in public schools shall consist of locally sourced products by 2030.

TESTIMONY DEADLINE: Thursday, March 18th at 3 PM

Join us in fighting for a more sustainable future for Hawaiʻi and submit your testimony today!


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